A study plan is the list of all academic activities (courses, labs, internship, etc.) that are required to achieve your degree.
You need to achieve at least a total of 120 CFUs for a master’s degree.
Courses and academic activities in Italy are classified in the following way (TAF classification):
- A and B: Basic and core educational activities
- C: Educational activities in elective or integrative disciplines
- D: free educational activities
- E: final exam
- F: extra activities, typically these credits are related to the internship
When submitting your study plan you will have the opportunity to choose some courses of type C and D, as long as you are respecting the required number of credits in each field.
The specifics for each curriculum can be found here for first year students.
The courses you can select can be found in the documents linked above.
Please note that you have to consult the documents referring to your year of enrolment.
After submitting your study plan online, you will still be able to modify it later during the academic year.
In some cases it may be required that the modifications you proposed are approved by the dedicated office.
For the academic year 2023-24, first year students can submit their study plan
online from 18/09/2023 to 19/04/2024.
The online submission is mandatory.
Any other modification will be accepted until
April 20th 2023, but require the payment of an additional fee. Please note that after the closing of online submissions, you can notify changes only through the dedicated form.
You can refer to the official university page regarding these info:
Piani di studio ed esami di profitto | Università degli studi di Trieste (units.it)
How to submit and modify your study plan
From the Esse3 website select
Home > Individual Study Program and follow the instructions.
After the final confirmation please check that the study plan is correctly loaded in the on-line exam booklet, otherwise contact the student secretariat at the following email address
The study plans you will find online are those proposed by the university.
If you wish to modify them, complete the online procedure regardeless as it a necessary step, and verify that the selected plan appears on your online booklet.
Then, from the Esse3 website, select
Home > Certificates and Changes to Study Program and download, fill in and sign the form “
Variazione piano di studi”.
Scan and send a PDF of the document to
matematica.fisica.studenti@amm.units.it from your university email account indicating as object “modulo variazione piano di studi”.
The specifics of each course can be found in the study plan document linked
here. Please remember to check the document associated to your year of enrolment.
Make sure that the chosen exams are offered by the university during the current academic year and that their type is coherent with the requirements of your curriculum.
You will have to pay a small fee of 16,00 Euros if you wish to modify exams of type A, B or C. This fee will be charged once the student secretariat has received your request.
All modifications to a previously submitted study plan must be presented by
April 20th 2023.
How to add extra exams to your study plan
If you wish to add more exams to your study plan than those that are required, fill in the form you can find at the bottom of the page, and send it to
matematica.fisica.studenti@amm.units.it .
Deadlines and conditions are the same as those indicated for the modification of the study plan.
The request will be evaluated by the competent office and you will be charged 16,00 Euros only in the following cases:
- If you want to add more than 12 CFUs
- If you are “fuoricorso” at the time of your request (student who takes longer than the formal number of years required to complete the degree program)
The added exams will not be included in the study plan and will not influence the average for the graduation grade. However, they may be taken into account by your graduation committee, according to the university regulations, in determining your final grade.
Moreover, they can be recognized in another university career and there will be a record of them.
If you are unable to complete these additional exams and wish to graduate without them, they will simply be discarded.
Do not hesitate to contact the helpdesk (
if you have any problems during the process or if you need help in filling the forms.
Additional exams form